Bob Allen Research and Publications

Recent Publications

·         Allen, R.B., Semantic Models of Flows, ICADL,2024, LNCS 15493, extended abstract, for full text, contact

·         Allen, R.B., Using Causal Threads to Explain Changes in a Dynamic System, ICADL 2023. LNCS 14458 (open access), arXiv

·         Allen, R.B., Implementation Issues for a Highly Structured Research Report, TPDL, 2022. PDF, DOI (open access)

·         Allen, R.B., and Chu, Y.M., Semantic Modeling of Pottery Making, Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC), Taipei, September, 2021. PDF CEUR DOI

·         Allen, R.B., Yoked Flows for Direct Representation of Scientific Research, Digital Infrastructures for Scholarly Content Objects (DISCO), Sept. 2021, JCDL Workshop. CEUR-2976-3,

·         Allen, R.B., Semantic Modeling with SUMO, 2020, ARXIV 2012.15835, PDF,

·         Allen, R.B., Metadata for Social Science Datasets, In: Rich Search and Discovery for Research Datasets: Building the Next Generation of Scholarly Infrastructure, Edited by J.I. Lane, I. Mulvany, and P. Nathan, Sage Publishing, 2020, PDF

·         Allen, R.B., Definitions and Semantic Simulations Based on Object-Oriented Analysis and Modeling, 2019, PDF, ARXIV 1912.13186

·         Allen, R.B., Issues for Using Semantic Modeling to Represent Mechanisms, 2018, PDF, ARXIV:1812.11431(Dec. 2018),

·         Allen, R.B., and Park, JH., Coordinating and Integrating Faceted Classification with Rich Semantic Modeling, Ontology and Rich Semantics, Singapore PDF, ARXIV:1809.09549 (Sep. 2018), DOI

·         Allen, R.B., and Jones, T.K., XFO: Toward Programming Rich Semantic Models (April 2018), PDF, ARXIV:1805.11050 (Apr. 2018), DOI

·         Allen, R.B., and Kim, Y.H., Semantic Modeling with Foundries, PDF, ARXIV:1801.00725 (Dec. 2017, Jan. 2018)

·         Allen, R.B., Yang, E., and Timakum, T., A Foundry of Human Activities and Infrastructures, ICADL 2017, PDF, ARXIV:1711.01927, LNCS

·         Allen, R.B., Rich Semantic Models and Knowledgebases for Highly-Structured Scientific Communication, 2017, PDF, ARXIV:1708.08423

·         Allen, R.B., Rich Semantics and Direct Representation for Digital Collections, JCDL, 2017, 348-349, PDF

·         Allen, R.B., From Ontology to Structured Applied Epistemology, Rich Semantics and Direct Representation for Digital Collections, Tsukuba, 2016. ARXIV 1610.07241, PDF

·         Allen, R.B., Song, H., Lee, B.E., and Lee, J.Y., Describing Scholarly Information Resources with a Unified Temporal Map, ICADL 2016, 212-217, PDF,  DOI

·         Allen, R.B., Issues for Direct Representation of History, ICADL, 2016, 218-224, PDF, DOI

·         Allen. R.B., Information Organization as Infrastructure for Digital Humanities, Interrogating Infrastructure Workshop, Kings College London, July 2016.

·         Chu, Y.M., and Allen. R.B., Formal Representation of Socio-Legal Roles and Functions for the Description of History, TPDL, 2016, 379-385, PDF, DOI

·         Kunkle, W.A., and Allen, R.B., The Impact of Different Teaching Approaches and Languages on Student Learning of Introductory Programming Concepts. ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE). 2016, 16(1) 3, PDF, ACM, DOI

·         Allen. R.B., Information Organization as Infrastructure for Digital Humanities, Interrogating Infrastructure Workshop, Kings College London, July 2016.

·         Allen, R.B., Hunter, J., and Zeng, M., (eds.), 2015 Proceedings International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, LNCS #9469., Dec. 2015, LNCS

·         Allen, R.B., Repositories with Direct Representation, NKOS, Dec. 2015, PDF, ARXIV

·         Allen, R.B., Repositories Based on Direct Semantic Representations, Asia-Pacific iSchool Conference, October, 2015, Wuhan, China.

·         Allen, R.B., and Chu, Y.M., Architectures for Complex Semantic Models, IEEE Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing, Feb. 2015, pp 254-261. PDF, IEEE, DOI

·         Chu, Y.M., and Allen. R.B., Structured Descriptions of Roles, Activities, and Procedures in the Roman Constitution, IRCDL, 2015, PDF, ARXIV

·         Allen, R.B., and Chu, Y.M., Toward Knowledge-rich Community Models, Data Science Workshop, Seoul, Dec, 2014.

·         Zhu, W., and Allen, R.B., Active Learning for Text Classification Using the LSI Subspace Signature Model, DSAA, 2014. PDF, DOI

·         Allen, R.B. and Chu, YM., Towards a Full-Text Historical Digital Library, ICADL, LNCS 8839, 2014, 218-226, PDF, DOI

·         Allen, R.B., Towards Content-Rich Digital Genealogy with Model-Oriented Approaches: Issues and Standards, IFLA Newspaper Section Meeting, Feb 2014, Salt Lake City, ABS, Conference_Page

·         Allen, R.B., Review of “Collaborative research in the digital humanities. Edited by Marilyn Deegan and Willard McCarty”, Electronic Library, 2014, 32(4) 588-589, PDF, DOI

·         Allen, R.B., Strategies for Model-Oriented Information Organization, Pacific Neighborhood Consortium, Dec 2013, Kyoto. PNC-ABS, PNC-PPT

·         Allen, R.B., Frame-based Models of Communities and their History. Histoinformatics 2013, LNCS 8359, 2014, 110-119, PDF, DOI

·         Allen, R.B., Toward an Interactive Directory for Norfolk, Nebraska: 1899-1900, IFLA Newspaper and Genealogy Section Meeting, Singapore, Aug 2013. IFLA, ARXIV 1308.5395.

·         Allen, R.B., Model-Oriented Information Organization: Part 1, The Entity-Event Fabric, D-Lib Magazine, July 2013. DLIB, DOI

·         Allen, R.B., Model-Oriented Information Organization: Part 2, Discourse Relationships, D-Lib Magazine, July 2013. DLIB, DOI

·         Zhu, W.Z., and Allen, R.B., Document Clustering Using the LSI Subspace Signature Model, JASIST, 2013, 64(4), 844-860, Wiley, DOI, PDFpreprint

·         Allen, R.B., Rich Linking in a Digital Library of Full-Text Scientific Research Reports. Columbia University Research Data Symposium, Feb 2013, CachedPDF, DOI

·         Allen, R.B., Supporting Structured Browsing for Full-Text Scientific Research Reports, arXiv 1209.0036, Aug 2012, ARXIV

·         Anderson, S., and Allen, R.B., Malleable Finding Aids, TPDL, 2012, 402-407, PDF, LNCS, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33290-6_43

·         Allen, R.B., Weaving Content with Coordination Widgets, D-Lib Magazine, Nov 2011, DLIB, DOI

·         Allen, R.B., Coordinating Concepts and Discourse in Model-Oriented Research Reports, ICADL, Oct 2011, 392-394, PDF, DOI, LNCS

·         Allen, R.B., Developing a Knowledge-base to Improve Interaction with Collections of Historical Newspapers, IFLA WLIC, Aug 2011, San Juan, PR. IFLA, CachedPDF

·         Allen, R.B., Model-Oriented Scientific Research Reports, D-Lib Magazine, May 2011. DLIB, DOI

·         Allen, R.B., Visualization, Causation, and History, iConference, 2011, PDF, ACM, DOI

·         Allen, R.B., and Sieczkiewicz, R., How Historians use Historical Newspapers, ASIST Conference, 2010, PDF, ACM (Long Version PDF)

·         Zarro, M., and Allen, R.B., User-Contributed Descriptive Metadata for Libraries and Cultural Institutions. European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL), 2010, 46-54. LNCS, DOI, PDF

·         Allen, R.B., and Hall, C. Automated Processing of Digitized Historical Newspapers beyond the Article Level: Finding Sections and Regular Features. International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL), 2010, 91-101, LNCS, DOI, CachedPDF

·         Allen, R.B., Improving Access to Digitized Historical Newspapers with Text Mining, Coordinated Models, and Formative User Interface Design, IFLA International Newspaper Conference: Digital Preservation and Access to News and Views, 2010, 54-59. PDF, PDFwithCovers, ARXIV

·         Allen, R.B., Zhu, W., and Sieczkiewicz, R., What to do with a Million Pages of Digitized Historical Newspapers. iConference, 2010, 2-6. PDFwithCovers

·         Waters, J., and Allen, R.B., Music Metadata in a New Key: Metadata and Annotation for Music in a Digital World, Journal of Library Metadata, 2010, 10 (4), 238-256.

·         Allen, R.B., and Nalluru, S., Exploring History with Narrative Timelines. HCII, 2009, LNCS 5617, pp 333-338, 2009. PDF, LNCS, DOI

·         Anderson, S., and Allen, R.B., Envisioning the Archival Commons, American Archivist, (2009) 72(2), 383-400. PDF, SAA

·         Allen, R.B., Electronic Newspapers (major entry), Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Liu, L and T. Ozsu, editors, Springer, 2009.

·         Allen, R.B., Waldstein, I., and Zhu, W., Automated Processing of Digitized Historical Newspapers: Identification of Segments and Genres. ICADL, 2008. 380-387, PDF, LNCS, DOI

·         Zhu, W., Chen, C., and Allen, R. B. (2008) Analyzing the Propagation of Influence and Concept Evolution in Enterprise Social Networks through Centrality and Latent Semantic Analysis. Washio, T. et al. (Eds.): Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Proceedings of the 12th Pacific-Asia Conference (PAKDD 2008), Osaka, Japan, May 20-23, 2008. LNCS, 5012, pp. 1090-1098. DOI

·         Allen, R.B., and Johnson, K., Preserving Digital Local News, The Electronic Library, 2008, 26 (3), 387 – 399., EmeraldLibraryLink, PDFpreprint

·         Achananuparp, P., McCain, K., and Allen, R.B., Supporting Student Collaboration for Image Indexing, ICADL, (LNCS) December 2007, PDF. DOI

·         Allen, R.B., Highly Structured Scientific Publications. ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (poster), June 2007, 472. PDFDOIACM

·         Achananuparp, P. and Allen, R.B., Developing a Student-Friendly Repository for Teaching Principles of Repository Management, DigCCurr, Chapel Hill, NC,  2007. ProceedingsPDF, ProceedingsTOC

·         Allen, R.B., Japzon, A., Achananuparp, P., and Lee, K-J., A Framework for Text Processing and Supporting Access to Collections of Digitized Historical Newspapers. HCI International Conference, 2007, PDF, LNCS, DOI

·         Song, M., Song, I.Y., Hu, X., and Allen, R.B., Integration of Association Rules and Ontologies for Semantic Query Expansion, Data Knowledge and Engineering, 63(1), 2007, 63-75. DKE

·         Achananuparp, P., McCain, K., and Allen, R.B., A Tool for Teaching Principles of Image Metadata Generation (poster), JCDL, 2006, 341, DOI

·         Achananuparp, P., Waters, J., McCain, K., and Allen, R.B., Towards a Curriculum for the Management of Digital Information: Tools to Support Collaborative Metadata Development (poster), ASIST, 2006.  ABS

·         Zhu, W., Xu, X., Hu, X., Song, I.Y., and Allen, R.B., Using UMLS-based Re-Weighting Terms as a Query Expansion Strategy, Proceedings of IEEE Granular Computing, 2006, 217-222. DOI

·         Song, M., Song, I.Y., Allen, R.B., and Obradovic, Z., Keyphrase Extraction-Based Query Expansion in Digital Libraries. ACM/IEEE JCDL, 2006, 202-209. DOI, ACM

·         Allen, R.B., Wu, Y.J., and Luo, J., Interactive Causal Schematics for Qualitative Scientific Explanations, ICADL, 2005, PDF, (LNCS 3815/2005,411-415) DOI

·         Allen, R.B., A Focus-Context Timeline for Browsing Historical Newspapers. ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2005, 260-261. PDF, DOI, ACM,

·         Song, M., Song, I.Y., Hu, X., and Allen, R.B., KXtractor: An Effective Biomedical Information Extraction Technique Based on Mixture Hidden Markov Models LNCS Transactions on Computational Systems Biology, 2005. LNCS, DOI

·         Song, M., Song, I.Y., Hu, X., and Allen, R.B., An Automatic Unsupervised Querying Algorithm for Efficient Information Extraction in Biomedical Domain. 2005, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 5-11, LNCS

·         Diker, V., and Allen, R.B., XMILE: XML as an Interchange Language for System Dynamics Models, System Dynamics Review, 2005, 21(4), 351-359. WileyDL

·         Hodge, G., Templeton, C., and Allen, R.B., A Metadata Element Set for Project Documentation, Science and Technology Libraries, 25(4), 2005, 5-23. T&FDigitalLibrary

·         Allen, R.B., Using Information Visualization to Support Access of Archival Records. Journal of Archival Organization, 3(1), 2005, 37-49.  JAODL, DOI, Extract_About_Process_Preservation

·         Allen, R.B. and Wu, Y., Metrics of the Scope of a Collection, JASIST, 55 (10), 2005, 1243-1249. PDFpreprint, WileyDL, DOI

·         Allen, R.B., What Every iSchool Student should Know: Information as a Fundamental Construct, iConference, 2005, State College, PA. PDF

·         Allen, R.B., A Query Interface for an Event Gazetteer, ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2004, 72-73. PDF, ACM, DOI

·         Senserini, A., Allen, R.B., Hodge, G., Anderson, N., and Smith, D., Archiving and Accessing Web Pages: The Goddard Library Web Capture Project, D-Lib Magazine, November 2004. DLIB

·         Allen, R.B. and Wu, Y., Generality of Texts, ICADL, Singapore, Dec 2002, 111-116, PDF, LNCS, DOI

·         Allen, R.B., Murray, G.C., and Yang, H., WQ: An Environment for Teaching Information Access Skills, EdMedia, June 2002, Denver. 34-39. PDF, EDMEDIAERIC(full proceedings 31MB)

·         Allen, R.B. and Puntai, W., A Digital Library-Based Recommendation Service for Multimedia Development in a Learning Community, European Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, March 2001, Maasricht, Netherlands, 37-42. PDF.

·         Allen, R.B., Digital Libraries -- A Cornerstone of the Web-based Services. International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, Seoul, Korea, Dec., 2000, (invited). PPT.

·         Allen, R. B. and Acheson, J. A., Browsing the Structure of Multimedia Stories, ACM Digital Libraries San Antonio, TX, June, 2000, 11-18. PDF, ACM, DOI

·         Semple, P., Allen, R. B., and Rose. A., Developing an Educational Multimedia Digital Library: Content preparation, indexing, and usage, EdMedia 2000, Montreal, PQ, June, 2000. PDF.

·         Rose, A., Allen, R. B., and Fulton, K., Multiple Channels of Electronic Communication for Building a Distributed Learning Community. Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Palo Alto, CA, Dec., 1999, 495-502. PDF

·         Harris, C., Allen, R.B., Plaisant, C., and Shneiderman, B., Temporal Visualization for Legal Case Histories, ASIS, Nov. 1999, Washington, DC., PDF

·         Allen, R.B. and Schalow, J., Metadata and Data Structures for the Historical Newspaper Digital Library Project, ACM CIKM, Kansas City, November, 1999.  PDF, ACM, DOI

·         Kumar, V., Furuta, R., and Allen, R.B., Metadata Visualization for Digital Libraries: Interactive Timeline Editing and Review. ACM Digital Libraries, 1998, 126-133. ACM, DOI

·         Allen, R.B., Mental Models and User Models, In Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction, Landauer, T.K., Prabhu, P., Helander, M., Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 1997, 49-63. PDF.

·         Allen, R.B., Retrieval from facet spaces, Electronic Publishing, 247-257, 8, 1996. (presented as Electronic Publishing, 1996, Palo Alto CA). HTMLPDF

·         Kumar, V., Furuta, R., and Allen, R.B., Interactive Interfaces for Knowledge-Rich Domains, Electronic Publishing 235-246, 8, 1995. (presented at Electronic Publishing 1996, Palo Alto, CA). HTML

·         England, P., Allen, R.B., and Underwood, R., RAVE: RealTime Services for the Web. Proceedings Fifth World-Wide Web Conference, (Paris May 1996) also Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 28 (7–11), 1996, 1547–1558, HTML, ScienceDirect, DOI

·         England, P., Allen, R.B., Sullivan, M., Bianchi, M., Heybey, A., and Dailianas, A., IBrowse: The Bellcore Video Library Toolkit. Proceedings SPIE Photonics West'96: Electronic Imaging Science and Technology '96: Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases IV. (San Jose Jan. 1996).  PDF

·         Dailianas, A., Allen, R.B., and England, P., Comparisons of Automatic Video Segmentation Algorithms. Proceedings SPIE Photonics East'95: Integration Issues in Large Commercial Media Delivery Systems (Philadelphia Oct. 1995).  PDF

·         Allen, R.B., Timelines as Information System Interfaces. Proceedings International Symposium on Digital Libraries (Tsukuba, Japan, Aug. 1995), 175-180. HTML  PDF, ProceedingsFrontMatter

·         Allen, R.B., Two Digital Library Interfaces that Exploit Hierarchical Structure. Proceedings of DAGS95: Electronic Publishing and the Information SuperHighway (Boston, May 1995), 134-141. HTML  PDF, ProceedingsFrontMatter

·         Allen, R.B., Interface Issues for Interactive Multimedia Documents. In: Forum on Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries, Edited by: N. Adam et al., 1996, Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1082, (also Proceedings Digital Library Forum, May 1995, McLean, VA, 133-141), DOI:10.1007/BFb0024611, PDF

·         Allen, R.B., Navigating and Searching in Digital Library Catalogs. Proceedings Digital Libraries '94, (College Station, TX, June 1994), 95-100. HTML

·         Allen, R.B., Electronic proceedings (EPROCS) for IWANNT'93. ACM SIGCHI Conference Companion (Boston, Apr. 1994), 287-288. HTML

·         Allen R.B., Obry, P.D., and Littman, M., An Interface for Navigating Clustered Document Sets Returned by Queries. Conference on Organizational Computing Systems (Milpitas, CA Nov. 1993), 166-171. HTML  PDF, ACM

Selected Earlier Publications

·         Allen, R.B. and Kamm, C.A., A Recurrent Neural Network for Word Identification from Continuous Phoneme Sequences. In: R. Lippmann, J. Moody, and D. Touretzky (Eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 3 Morgan Kaufmann: San Mateo 1991, 206-212.

·         Allen, R.B., User models: Method, Theory, and Practice. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 32 1990, 511-543. PDF

·         Allen, R.B., Connectionist language users. Connection Science 2 1990, 279-311.  DOI

·         Allen, R.B. and Alspector, J., Learning of Stable States in Stochastic Asymmetric Networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 1, 1990, 233-238.

·         Allen, R.B. and Alspector, J., Neuomorphic Learning Networks, US Patent 4874963, with Name_Correction Oct 17, 1989

·         Alspector, J., Gupta, B., and Allen, R.B., Performance of a Stochastic Learning Microchip. In: D. Touretzky (Ed.), Advances in Neural Information Processing (AIP Press), 1988, 748-760.

·         Alspector, J. and Allen, R.B., A Neuromorphic VLSI Learning System In: P. Losleben (Ed.): 1987 Stanford Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA), 1987, 313-349.

·         Allen, R.B., Several Studies on Natural Language and Back-Propagation, International Conference on Neural Networks (San Diego, June 1987), 2/335-341. PDF

·         Breckler, S.J., Allen, R.B. and Konecni, V.J., Mood-Optimizing Strategies in Aesthetic-Choice Behavior. Music Perception 2 1985, 459-470. PDF JSTOR

·         Allen, R.B., Human Factors of Telephone-Mediated Interactive Electronic Games, ACM SIGPC/SIGSMALL Conference Proceedings (San Diego, Dec. 1983), 200-205. DOI

·         Allen, R.B. and Scerbo, M.W., Details of Command-Language Keystrokes. ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems 1983, 159-178. ACM, DOI

·         Allen, R.B., Cognitive Factors in the Use of Menus and Trees: An Experiment. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications SAC-1 1983, 333-336.

·         Allen, R.B., Cognitive Factors in Human Interaction with Computers. A. Badre and B. Shneiderman (Eds.), Directions in Human/Computer Interaction, Ablex: Norwood, NJ, 1983, 1-26
also in Behaviour and Information Technology 1982, 257-278.

·         Allen, R.B., Composition and Editing of Text. Ergonomics 24 1981, 611-622.

·         Allen, R.B. and Ebbesen, E.B., Cognitive Processes in Impression Formation: Retrieval of Personality Trait and Behavioral Information. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 17 1981, 119-141.

·         Ebbesen, E.B. and Allen, R.B., Cognitive Processes in Implicit Personality Inferences Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 37, 1979, 471-488.

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